The Run Up to Christmas!
Here we are at the beginning of a long and busy term for your children. During the next seven weeks we will be finding out about Bonfire Night (5th November), the BBC Children in Need Appeal (15th November, please wear something spotty and bring some Pennies for Pudsey!) and Christmas.
We start the term with Parent Consultations with your child's key worker throughout the week beginning 11th November. There are lists in the lobby;
- Monday - orange group;
- Tuesday - red group
- Wednesday - Yellow group;
- Thursday - Blue Group
Please sign up to find out how your child is settling in to nursery.
The children will have chance to visit West Lodge Farm Park on 27th November and to watch or take part in a nativity with live animals. This is a fantastic family trip that our children and their parents and carers always enjoy.
On Monday 2nd December we ask you to bring in a home made tree decoration for your child to put on one of our Christmas trees. This is a lovely tradition here at Ronald Tree and reinforces the links between home and school. the children enjoy being able to show their friends which decoration they have made at home.
On Tuesday 10th December we invite parents and carers to join us at either 10.30am (morning children) or 2pm (afternoon children)at St Mary's Church in Fuller Street to hear the children sing the Christmas songs they have been busy practising all term. Please note we do not allow photographs or video recordings to ensure the safety of all our children.
In the final week of term we will be having lots of party based activities in the nursery during normal session times. On the last day of term, despite his very busy schedule, Father Christmas has promised to visit. If your child does not normally attend on a Friday, please ask at reception and we can arrange for them to pop in to see Father Christmas.
We break up on Friday 20th December and return in the new year on Monday 6th January. May we wish all our families a peaceful and happy Christmas.